Questions about Pharmacy Cost Management for Nursing Homes & LTC facilities

“How do I know PPA will save us money?”Businesswoman working with financial reports.

While every situation is different, one thing has remained constant throughout our service history: long-term care facilities simply cannot dedicate the required labor and diligence required to contain pharmacy costs in the same manner as PPA.  Looking for ways to lower your pharmacy costs is all we do at Pinnacle Prescription Analysis.  We’re so confident that we can make a difference that we offer a free 3-month pharmacy bill analysis. Visit our Services Page and you’ll see the kind of results we deliver time and time again.

“Budget restrictions are always a concern.  Can we afford your service?”

The answer is a resounding YES.  The benefits of utilizing PPA go far beyond simply covering the cost of our service.  You reduce your costs and increase your bottom line with Pinnacle Prescription Analysis!

“Can’t we simply assign the task of pharmacy cost oversight to a staff member?”

There are several reasons why this has proven ineffective.  It requires extensive training in pharmacy cost analysis, as well as a thorough understanding of Medicaid and Medicare pharmacy policies…and that kind of education takes time and money. You’ll need a NEW employee, fully trained, paid a competitive wage and provided with a benefit package.  Compare the costs and it’s obvious: PPA is the smart, affordable and effective pharmacy cost management solution.

L4-FAQ page-bigstock-Med-Nurse-1136243“How much additional time/effort is required of my staff when I hire PPA?”

Actually, once we establish the in-service with the Director of Nursing and nursing staff to explain our processes and ensure cooperation and compliance, your staff won’t be taxed with an additional workload beyond an occasional phone call from your nurse to the appropriate physician to change a medication.  Since PPA is the hands-on service provider in pharmacy cost reduction, the ‘heavy lifting’ is all ours.

“How do I get started?”

We invite you to click here to contact us today.  One of our professional staff will be glad to welcome you to the ever-growing family of satisfied PPA clients.  You may also take advantage of our free 3-month pharmacy bill analysis.  It’s a great way to see how Pinnacle Prescription Analysis can deliver real-world solutions that save your facility money.